News & Stories
Texas Girls & Boys Ranch strives to empower children by bringing them hope. The news and stories being shared are true testaments from staff that confirm the dedication that drives daily life at the ranch.
Campus Corner
Football, homecoming, parades, and harvest festivals. Fall is a [...]
Shelter Spotlight
This year at the Shelter, we have begun to [...]
Campus Corner
At Texas Girls & Boys Ranch we have 4 [...]
Spiritual Development
It is always amazing to watch a child face [...]
Foster Focus
Being a teenager is hard enough but being a [...]
Read about the transformative experiences below from real foster parents and success stories. We love sharing the stories from over the years in hopes to inspire you to take the next step and get involved.
“I like the ability to influence the choices a child can make in their life to be positive.”
– Bufus, Caregiver (+7 months)

The Power of Prayer
The children are always looking to houseparents to be the example. I won’t lie, knowing that keeps me humble. We pray with each of our kids every night at bedtime.
Andrew was a new boy in our cottage. After tucking him in, I asked Andrew if he’d like to pray. Andrew said, “No, but you can.” I prayed and we said our good nights. The next night, I expected much of the same. However, after I finished praying, Andrew stopped me and said, “I’m too scared to pray by myself. Will you show me how to pray?” So I started praying. Andrew repeated every word of my prayer.
The next night, after I was done praying, I started leading a prayer for Andrew to repeat. Andrew stopped me and said, “You showed me how to pray already, I want to do it by myself now.”