Foster Care and Adoption
Texas Girls & Boys Ranch is looking for compassionate, Christian families to provide foster care to children in need. In the state of Texas, there are approximately 30,000 children in the foster care system on any given day. As a result, there are not enough families to meet the demands of these children needing a temporary home. Can you help even one?

Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent?
*Are you at least 21 years old? *Able to pass a background check? *In a traditional marriage for at least two years? (Singles considered in some cases). *Willing to attend required trainings, provide references, and participate in home study?
Most of the children in care have been removed from their homes due to abusive and/or neglectful circumstances. So, we need people like you to provide safety, security, stability, and nurturance to these precious children. It’s true, foster parenting can be very challenging, but it is also extremely rewarding.
As a foster parent, you will provide the basic needs of a child such as food, clothing, and shelter, but you really will provide so much more. You may only have a child for a short time, but you have the opportunity to make a huge impact on the child’s life. You have the opportunity to build character, teach values, and model positive coping skills. Most importantly, you can teach the children about Christ and His love for them.
Fostering is a ministry. Matthew 9:37 “… ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Foster parents do what they do because of their compassion for children.
Will you teach me how to be a great foster parent?
To be a great foster parent, you should be willing to learn new parenting styles for children with different needs. Great foster parents are open-minded, dependable, patient, flexible, and tolerant of change. You should be even-tempered, consistent with rules and structure, and have strong Christian principles.
While serving as a foster parent with Texas Girls & Boys Ranch, you will receive the training necessary to handle the emotional trauma these children have experienced. You will not be alone in this process. It is a group effort, and you will be part of a team of people helping the child succeed.
You will be the bridge to a special child’s future, by Sharing Jesus, Healing Hearts, and Transforming Lives.