
Our Vision is Manifesting Christ through excellence in childcare.
Our Mission is Sharing Jesus, Healing Hearts, Transforming Lives.

We exist to provide a safe haven for children of abuse and neglect.


John Sigle


Roger Mahan, MS, CFLE, LCCA

Vice President of Children’s Services

Jenny Goen

Executive Assistant

Heather Mahan, BBA

Human Resources Officer
and Training Coordinator

Katy Phillips, LMSW, LCCA

Director of Program Quality

Marisol Peña


Campus Residential Program.

Ralph A. Barrera, BA

Campus Program Director

Chris Armstrong, MA

Case Manager

Hannah Brunson, BSW

Case Manager

Tyler Nagle-Perkins

House Parent

Valerie Nagle-Perkins

House Parent

Ricky Villa

House Parent

Grace Villa

House Parent

Evan Williams

House Parent

Twyla Williams

House Parent

Matthew Callens

House Parent

Ester Callens

House Parent

Carmen Hester

House Parent

Michael Hester

House Parent

Guy Rimel

House Parent

Ashley Rimel

House Parent

Robert Rosales

Awake Overnight Staff Supervisor

Education, Recreation and Spiritual Development Program.

Jeremy Walker, MS

Education, Recreation, and Spiritual Development Director

Therapeutic Services.

Shalana Jacobi, MS, LPC-S

Clinical Director, Therapist Supervisor

Carla Cheatham, MA, LPC-S


Dr. Beth Robinson, Ed.D., LPC-S


Robertah Rodriguez, MA, LPC-Associate 


Turning Point Program.

Tammi Pillow, MS

Turning Point Program Director

Paityn Steadman

Case Manager

Foster and Adoption Program.

Angela Skorick, MS, LCPAA

Foster and Adoption Program Director

Kaylee Newbold, MS, LCCA

Program Director for Aftercare Services

Erin Olmos, BSW

Home Developer

Emily Schramm, BS

Home Developer

LaVorick Robinson, BS

Foster and Adoption Case Manager

Gabriela Martinez, BSW

Foster and Adoption Case Manager

Alexis Garvey

Foster and Adoption Case Manager


Brady Goen

Ranch Foreman

Mackenzie Williams

Assistant Ranch Manager


Billy Cheek, BS

Director of Advancement

Michael Nudelman

Church Relations Officer

Courtney Monk, BA

Community Relations Officer


Lacy Farris

Commissary Manager


Jason Farris

Director of Maintenance


Is This Your Calling?

If you are interested in changing the lives of our boys and girls by becoming one of staff.