Donor Appreciation

Donor Appreciation

By |2023-01-05T18:45:55+00:00January 5, 2023|Donor Appreciation, Involvement, TXGBR News|

Commitment from Donors   I was visiting with one of our donors recently and he told me about the financial struggles their family had been going through this past year. He told me he and his wife had agreed they would still give throughout the year, but it would be considerably less than their normal donations. At the end of the year, they received some surprise money and decided they wanted to donate the balance of what their normal donation was, plus a little more. It really warms my heart to know that such wonderful people care so much about [...]

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Donor Appreciation

By |2023-01-05T18:38:10+00:00February 25, 2022|Donor Appreciation, Involvement, TXGBR News|

It is such a blessing to be able to do what I love for a living. Asking you, our friends and donors for the funds necessary to fulfill our mission is easy. But sometimes I get so focused on the WHAT ($$$$$) that I can lose sight of the WHY. What is the WHY? It is the three siblings who are so happy to be together in one foster family after being split up for months, but who now face separation again if we can’t find an adoptive family who will take all three. It’s the teen girl who has [...]

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Shelter Spotlight

By |2023-01-05T18:38:25+00:00January 20, 2022|Donor Appreciation, Involvement, Shelter Spotlight, TXGBR News|

Our community never ceases to amaze me with their outpouring of support for our kiddos! The 2021 holiday season was filled with the usual chaos, but we also received many new kiddos towards the Christmas holidays. Having to leave your home and all you know, especially around Christmas, can be so difficult and scary. One of our newest kids said it best the morning after she arrived, “I finally feel safe.” Our community stepped up to make sure we not only have a place for these kiddos to feel safe, but that we were able to celebrate the season with [...]

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