Appeals & Events

Annual Sparkles & Spurs Gala

Corporate Sponsorship Levels

Stetson Sponsor - $10,000+
Wrangler Sponsor - $8,000
Lariat Sponsor - $6,000
Chaps Sponsor - $4,000
Spur Sponsor - $2,000

You can change the life of a child in care. You can feed those who have gone hungry, you can clothe those who came with nothing, and you can provide a home for a child who has been homeless. Will you consider sponsorship?

Each sponsor is provided a table and featured at our Annual Gala.
For more information on the Sparkles & Spurs Gala, contact Courtney Monk at

Is This Your Calling?

If you are interested in changing the lives of our boys and girls, we are always looking for someone who can love our children.

Here are ways to support our boys and girls:

Donate | Employment Opportunities | Volunteer