Leave a Legacy
Herbert and Maxine’s Legacy
In 2006, Maxine Steige was determined to do something in memory of her husband who had provided dental care to many of our children at Texas Boys Ranch- Now Texas Girls & Boys Ranch. Her desire to honor her husband resulted in the Herbert Steige Family Support Center. Ranch counselors use this facility to provide individual, group, and family counseling, as well as providing a comfortable nonthreatening environment for family visits. It has served as a major part of the healing process for our children. We have been blessed by a legacy that will last for decades and will provide the backdrop for boys and girls to experience healing from the trauma of abuse and neglect.
Through Mrs. Steige’s desire to honor the memory of her late husband, she has provided a place for real change to occur. Everyone on campus refers to the Herbert Steige Family Support Center as “the Steige.” The center has and will continue to heal hearts and restore hope for all of the children that step through our doors
Saving on Taxes, Feeding Children
Here are some ways to support Texas Girls & Boys Ranch and save money too. We encourage you to talk with your financial adviser for the best opportunities.
Estate gifts
These may be made through wills or trusts. They can be funded with cash, securities, real estate, property, or other assets.
Gift Annuities and Charitable Trust
Here are two options may afford a life income and certain tax advantages. The children win and you win.
Appreciated Property
Gifts can consist of securities, real estate, or other assets held longer than one (1) year. (Property assets held longer than one (1) year may be subject to capital gains taxes, therefore gifts of appreciated property may afford significant tax savings.)
Life Insurance and Retirement Accounts
These can afford tax advantages, deductions and ease of giving with simple beneficiary designations. *** Please contact us for additional information regarding planned giving. We always encourage our donors to consult their professional advisers when making planned gifts.
Is this Your Calling?
If you are interested in changing the lives of our boys and girls, we are always looking for someone who can love our children.
Here are ways to support our boys and girls: