October 12, 2021
Campus Corner
Football, homecoming, parades, and harvest festivals. Fall is a wonderful time of year at Texas Girls & Boys Ranch. Rarely are the weekends without activity or events for the kids. The fun-filled weekends of the Fall season are part of what helps our kids find the joy that they couldn’t find before the ranch.
Too often, the children entrusted to us have worried for too long about grown-up things: where they are going to spend the night, what is available to eat, and\or if they are safe. But, sit with them in the stands at a football game, help them make a mum for homecoming, or help them grab handfuls of candy at a parade, and you will see the worry is gone and a healing sense of joy is spread all over their faces.
At the ranch, Fall can be a time of healing for kids, as well as staff alike! Thank you for helping us make this possible!